
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

holy wine

blood of prophets is the wine,
in time entwined between the lines

the sacramental
soul of earth
fermented spirit
breathes at birth

upon the lips
of dervish mouths
which twirl and build
galactic fount

from the spilling grace
like grain
they cast upon the fertile plain

seeding stars
and spheric worlds
as the scroll is now unfurled

as a planet spiral winds
the beating stellar heart

the valley etched with gravity
falling feeling ever free
but following one destiny

engraved and etched
in aether's skin
the imprint of the god within.
. . .
copyright Peter Asher Watts 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

epistolary for the old gods

within a grand crystalline circuit
with electric tendrils of plasma
stretched across timeless motionless void
here and there accretions
of molten metal
of ice and gas
and surface islands
among grand swirling clouds
and canopies
of living cable
that hold the soil down
in a net of rhizomes
erecting mineral statues
and viaducts for living water
sap and oil
grand cites for the arthropods
and avians alike
so with a gnarled bit of deadfall
he entwines the finest bit of volcanic silica
with the sinews of a fallen beast
and the various mineral bones of the earth
an array for coalescent gossamer from the aethyrs
and to his eyes
the leaves gleam
even at night with the blood of dryads pulsing flow
and in his most fevered nightmare
he dreams of us
with our radioactive handsets
chattering through the ionosphere
the most vapid miasma of misinformation
clogging the noosphere like a fearsome clot
but he is comforted to be greeted
by another psychonaut
far away with a frame drum
and a bit of fire
to carry his chanting to the auroral
signal from the heart of the galaxy
so the gap is bridged
. . .
copyright Peter Asher Watts 2010


a jagged tear
in this gossamer
thin membrane

which will not seem to open
gracefully, subtly,
on its own

now it is rent with sudden force
like a torn envelope,
it releases it's contents--
saltwater, red with iron

so they may return to the ocean,
the menstrum from which they arose,
and the sky,
the vapors from which they condensed

and at last the crystalline aggregates
can dissociate again
free from life's bondage
and the structures it imposes

Sunday, May 15, 2011


impossible dreams
impossible scenes
i weave with inner eyelid beams

imagining a future time
when beloved souls entwine
with the essence
seed within

when former strangers
become kin.

the  mystery,
the soul conjuct

dichotomies become defunkt.

no "I" nor "Thee"
but only we

twin strands spliced

is what i see
in fevered dreams

then wake and try to map the means
to reach you where your soul resides

beyond the reach
of changing tides.

wake and try to chart the notes
of novel spells not sung by rote

the living melody, create
which soon attunes
and resonates.

in consonance we share one voice.

once held me still
resisted  all exerted will

but now, grown strong,
the will can  mold
impossibilities most bold

before your eyes
beneath your feet
the future path will rise to meet

the footsteps of the fool who dares
to leave behind all mortal cares.
abandon name and fame and pride

where cautious trudge
the madman glides
unencumbered with the thought
that law and fate the world have wrought.

the world is truly forged by mind
'impossible' i've left behind

in favor of the lover's urge--
to paint a universe with words
and visions fair
which may yet be.

it's possible you may be free.

so i will woo
and tempt and pry
until i've lost all trace of I

. . .
copyright Peter Asher Watts 2011

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

soul invictus

as if you could break this,
ridicule and mistake this
for one micron less than time-refined straight bliss,

through eons forged
in the furnace of sun's cores
never diminished by venomous scorn,

not once deterred by your profane contempt,
propagated in deserts, like afghani's hemp,
in all of the places you disdain to search
the outcast who harvests from heaven and earth

the immortal nectar,
pure as starlight,
pulled from what you thought was barbarous night

climbing, entwining with etheric veins
beyond what you reckon--material claims,
from the abyss to the womb of all suns.
feeding on thistles, and all that you shun,
assembling from refuse the crystalline stair
that takes one beyond dialectic compare.

between one and zero,
your yes and your no,
is where soul can thrive
on the lucid unknown.

while you categorize,
weigh, rank and compare,
i'm here, busy feeding on ionized air

and tasting a bliss you may never know.

so berate me and judge me,
if this is your aim.
disassemble my form,
make a curse of my name

as if it protects you
by contrast, deride. . .
and see if it alters
my epoch-long strides.

and as you regress, clinging tight to your shell,
your name, fame, and pride, you will forge your own hell.
within these projections you may yet reside,
denying whatever you wish you could hide.

when, at long last, you've exhausted this way,
i'll give you the keys to the dawn of true day,
which is also the crack in your persona's face
revealing your form to be vacuous space.

if you see that this love is the light that will fill
the outcast you scorned will offer it still--
a measure per day you reject and resist,
for each vessel opened, a surfeit of bliss
. . .
copyright Peter Asher Watts 2011