
Sunday, June 23, 2013

psychopathy and the sequestration of the divine feminine II: DC, the columbian district of criminals

Joh 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
In Latin, Columba is the name of small pigeon or dove. This bird in Christian iconography is used as a symbol of the divine presence (Shekinah in hebrew) which appears as Jochannan (aka John) baptizes Christ. All over the near east the bird is associated with goddesses like Aphrodite, Astarte, etc. In point of fact, the deities it is associated with tend to have the polysemic associations with not only love and beauty, but also sexuality and war. Vis a Vis the topic at hand, I feel it instructive to mention that the latin word Columbarium denotes "a place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns (i.e. urns holding a deceased’s cremated remains). The term comes from the Latin columba (dove) and originally referred to compartmentalized housing for doves and pigeons called a dovecote." according to wikipedia. So when considering the symbolism of Christopher Columbus, the District of Columbia (Wash. DC), I think it is most instructive to remember the link between these names (in both biblical and "heathen" cultures of the near east) and the ritual sacrifice   of a harmless peaceful animal, for the propitiation of a war goddes (Asherah/Astarte/Ishtar, etc.). Let me show you why. Here is one of the earliest maps of what would become our nation's capitol, the district sacred to Columbia:
What goes on in this place? Have you noticed that it lies right between VIRGINia & MARYland?
have you noticed that it lies between two forks of the Potomac river. . .morphologically i can't help that notice that it resembles a particular part of the female anatomy.
Now, knowing what I know about the chaps that designed this layout, I can say with certainty that they chose this region long before any ground was broken on this grand plan because of this morphological correspondence, and particularly in context of something called the pythagorean Y. In greek this would be the letter Upsilon, which was sacred to the pythagoreans (and their modern imitators); It was the first letter of the word Hygeia which was inscribed around the pythagorean pentacle thus:

In this context, the pentacle is a symbol of Hygeia: "n Greek and Roman mythology, Hygieia (also Hygiea or Hygeia, Greek Ὑγιεία or Ὑγεία, Latin Hygēa or Hygīa), was the daughter of the god of medicine, Asclepius, and Epione. She was the goddess/personification of health (Greek: ὑγίεια - hugieia[1]), cleanliness and sanitation." So we see the pythagorean Y in the layout of the Potomac, but where is the pentacle. . .oh there it is, but it's upside down?!

So, if the upright symbol represents health and cleanliness, what does an upside down pentagram mean? It is the symbol of the dismemberment and destruction of a healthy human form and harmony. Hmm. . .
This symbol is prominent in the oldest texts of ceremonial magic and witchcraft, from the millieu of the Chaldean Oracles (chaldean=phonecian/canaanite). In it's earliest use it was part of an invocation of the north wind and the martial power of the north. The five-pointed star has also long been associated with Venus/Astarte/Ishtar in her warlike aspect. Many have noticed that one arm of the pentagram is actually missing in the street plan, so that the pentacle (which would normally contain the invoked spirit) is broken and leaking. . .releasing the malevolent spirit of war and destruction into the world at large. . .hmm. So what kind of buildings are in this pentagram. . .well, in the inner pentagram are Church of Scientology. . .as well as various other very wicked and death-focused groups. . .some of which are disguised for the ignorant as 'charities' or NGOs. Anyway. . .what does this all have to do with the devine feminine? In my opinion, it is a symbolic perversion and sacrifice of the 'virgin' new world on the alter of a war goddess. Oh, did i mention that 'the Pentagon' (headquarters of the defense department) is just across the left fork of the river?
Now coming back to the Pythagorean Y again. . .the Y itself forms the sides of a cube, which is also mapped onto the street plan

the cube is used in various magical ceremonies, like the yetziratic sealing rite. . .it is also part of the double cubical symbolism of both the temple of Solomon and masonic lodges. The threefold path of the Y is where the initiate is faced with a choice between virtue and vice. . .symbolized in the tarot card "The Lovers" as two women. . .a virtuous one and the proverbial "loose woman"

Here is what the poet Virgil had to say about the choice between Virtue and Vice:
The Pythagoric Letter two ways spread,
Shows the two paths in which Man's life is led.
The right-hand track to sacred Virtue tends,
Though steep and rough at first, in rest it ends;
The other broad and smooth, but from its Crown,
On rocks the Traveler is tumbled down.
He who to Virtue by harsh toils aspires,
Subduing pains, worth and renown acquires;
But who seeks slothful luxury, and flies
the labor of great acts, dishonor'd dies.
Whereas to take a hold of Vice, in plenitude,
is easy, for the way is smooth, and near she dwells;
yet sweat was placed in front of Virtue by the gods
undying; and the road to her is long and steep,
and rough at first; yet when one has attained the peak,
indeed the way is easy, which was very hard. 

So, looking at the street plan of the District of Columbia, you will notice that the so-called "Federal Triagle" lies on the left-hand path of vice. If there is any legitimacy to this symbolic mumbo-jumbo, one would expect that this scheme would produce a government that tends towards vice and adultery. Hmm. . .

Did you know that Washington DC has the highest level of prostitution in the country? I've also heard that there is more residue of drugs on money in DC than any other area. So is it really possible that from it's inception this country was symbolically intended as a perversion of the Virgin new world into a sacrifice before the altar of war and debauchery? All I will say is that any level of research into the people who build monuments and paint the frescoes of our nations capitol are OBSESSED with the use of symbolism and it's effect on human consciousness. There are scores of pages out there detailing this, even the highly pro-masonic book The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. reveals enough to get one's foot in the door. You have to really go back to the origins of masonry in the mystery religions and magical rituals of the ancient world to see what the dark side of this sacrificial obsession is all about.

In the next part of this I will deal with the use of debased female figures in children's films as a kind of unconscious programming to detach the youth from the archetypical divine mother.