
Monday, December 15, 2014


i rescind tacit complicity with all fascist hierarchies of the world. i henceforth endorse and embody the principle of holarchy and synergistic mutualism as the antidote and eradicator of false delusions and parasitic hierarchies which govern and maintain a disequilibrium in access to information and physical resources vital to the perpetuation and flourishing of all forms of life interdependently as constituents in a naturally arising mutually willing convergence and mutually beneficial commerce between sovereign individuals. I hereby repudiate all attempts to artificially manufacture and simulate a false union which is merely a mask for centralization of control of all resources and information for private benefit at public expense. I willfully retain all control and all rights over my own heritage and innate will to self-generate integrated systems of symbolism and tribal unity consciousness in the form of art, music, culture, language, natural medicine, mind science, 4 and 5 dimensional spatio-temporal reckoning systems and galactic coordinate mapping, mythos, historical mythos, ritual synchronization of the integrated life-web, spatio-temporal integrity maintenance, and all other forms of self-generated systems of thought form transference and genetic memory activation. I repudiate all fascist decoy 'culture' and 'religion' which attempts to eradicate true heritage and replace it with the mythos of slavery and exploitation of the life web and the individual species constituting the life-web. I repudiate all slave-scripts and ethical degradation in the form of 'media' and simulacra which attempts to supplant my direct access to the universal truth of conditional manifestation. I subjugate all attempts to instill fear and delusion in my mind based on the false concepts of resource and energy scarcity and the false concept of a social persona which has no interconnection with the energetic and psychic substrate of universal plasma flux. i willfully collapse and destroy all systems of propaganda delusions by targeting the fundamental fallacy at their core which is the concept of private benefit that accrues only to the false self at the expense of the infinite life web. i hereby advise all intelligences to prepare themselves for the drastic and imminent collapse of all delusion and falsehood in these matters by willfully purifying their own perceptual fields in harmony with the universal salient clarity beyond deception.

Sunday, November 02, 2014


without much pretense
holding it all together
like some kind of crystaline intelligence
that assembles bones and sinews
and in the dark,

ebbing and flowing without grasping at any of it

in her slightest movement,
in the softness of her voice,
and the gentle certainty of her footsteps. . .
i can see so much that may come

as she places tiny pebbles
in rows
while no one is looking

i have some inkling
of her designs
in my own surmise
and in my wishes
for futures untold

i lay no claim on any of it
nor do i seek to modify
her path one jot

but still i lie here
wishing she were by my side,
even were she sound asleep
totally insensate to the outer world

as so many look through her
i see her in profound relief
standing out starkly from what surrounds--
a world of chaos
and callous destruction of all she has been patiently weaving
for the benefit of all

and, even if it is only in my mind,
we seem made to complement and inform each other

without saying a word
i honor her in silence
and let her be just as she is

copyright Peter Asher Watts 2014

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Get Real

On todays episode of "Get Real"-- #UCSB. So the faculty club pool is full of seagulls and the patio is covered in a 1/4 inch thick patina of bird shit. The clock tower hasn't worked right in over a year; it rings out on time, but half the bells don't work and it no longer counts the hour. Somehow the #UCRegents rake in billions with their stranglehold of most of the patents issued in the state, but they can't pay the janitors a living wage. Weeks after the shooting there is a giant pile of dead flowers and plastic trash outside the deli-mart and the shooter's apartment. no one has made any attempt to clean up any of their own trash. Just like every year, in two weeks the whole town of #islavista will turn into a giant trash pile for the spoiled children of southern california's bourgeoisie, when they move out. Couch and mattress fires will burn on every block for their drugged-up and drunken amusement, spewing toxic fumes into the air and melting asphalt and the paint on your nearby BMW. The street is covered with the chalk art sentiments written by soon-to-be graduates who have not yet formulated a complete sentence, nor mastered the use of a comma by age 21. Hey Brittney or Bimbette or whatever your name is, yeah you drawing the pink chalk heart and #notonemore, yeah you who was crying in front of the TV cameras, I saw you walking out of the Keg & Bottle with a handle of tequila and a bag of pop rocks while the shooting was going on. I saw you walking the same walk of shame you do every saturday morning the day after. It's way past time to pull your heads out of your asses people. This whole place is an open sore festering on this sacred earth. I think you need to google search the phrase "self-respect" and try to find some. #ivstrong #janetnapolitano #loiscapps #militaryindustrialcomplex is recruting you to work at #lockheedmartin #raytheonlabs #UCanStudyBuzzed

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dear Automaton Drones:

I know they had you hacked from the womb.
I know even your mother's breast milk (or more likely a direct chemical substitute)
was carrying you hacked code in disguise
altered by microwave frequencies and broken bonds.
I know the sound of the death-script buffeted you in the womb.
Your ancestors at least had the luxury of analog terror,
played out in flesh and blood;
your terror is piped in on fiber optics, and invisible waves,
foaming up the tides of the air like sea spray.
I know.
I know that you have been programmed against your own instincts,
against the fluid god-mind of your forebearers
and against every decent quality of mammalian affection. 
I know that you find your own destruction,
the ritualized debasement of yourself and your peers to be a gleeful sport.
I know that you are incapable of most facets of human feeling--
even love and sex to you have become a violent and largely mechanical affair
without any fruit or issue at the end of it.
I pity you.
But please know that no amount of my compassion will spare you
from the results of what you have chosen for yourself.
You can deprogram and reprogram as many have; the mother script still exists within you
under nacreous layers of death-code and viral contagion.
Pray that time permits this process for you.
It can only begin with your firm resolve
to abandon the madness and complicity of your abundant and feeble-minded companions.
Perhaps some day you will understand that just because they flock around you
with mild indifference, or at best complicity in your schemes of diversion, hedonism,
and gradual self-destruction. . .this does not imply that they can offer you any allegiance
in the face of what is coming,
nor any counsel on finding the path beyond their collective somnambulistic death march.

Life is stronger.
Life is not founded on a corrupted syntax of stolen codes, nor on the recent decades of scheming
by deranged minds.
Life is forged from millennia unreckoned--research and development by an intelligence of a higher and more interconnected order than your diseased PSYWAR chieftains can even speculate about.
Discard the decoys within your own psyche and every simulacrum which obscures the life-web from your sight by means of a graduated process of material servitude to some hierarch that is always one leap beyond your grasp.

Your own survival, and the complexion of your very soul depends upon your choices and your allegiance in every moment. Turn away from the false shepherd with the velvet flail and crook. He will have you as mutton just as sure as any ravenous wolf. . .the only difference is that you will approach him willingly and with the deference only a life-long slave can offer.

You are the warden of your own mind-cage.
You alone can offer yourself vitality, protection, and abundant life.
Blame no other.
. . .
Copyright Peter Asher Watts 2014

Friday, May 09, 2014

speculations on the holographic and subjective nature of spacetime

let's say that any given subjective 'instant' in time has a fourfold vector matrix representing it's position in three-dimensional space as well as one value for time. for any given experiencer the time quantity is measured in units relative to that individual's delta-t (in other words the magnitude of a finite small unit of time that they identify as the 'present moment'). this delta-t would also define implicitly the vector quantity of how quickly this individual perceives themselves to be moving through time. Now for a human being, let's say, what we would consider subjective time as experienced by the conscious ego of the person could easily be different from the delta-t of let's say a white blood cell, nerve cell or any body cell (which i am asserting has it's own set of information input and output or 'senses'). This would reinforce the subjective nature of the delta-t (which is to say that there is no objective time quantity which externally defines the passage of time). As we have all heard in adages like 'time flies when you're having fun', or Einsteins analogy of the person sitting on a hot stove vs. chatting up a beautiful girl, the perception of the rate of passing time may well be subjective and variable. Many describe time 'slowing down' in a traumatic situation like a car crash. This probably also occurs for professional athletes who hit a 100 MPH+ fastball in such a way that physics and biology suggest is impossible on a mechanical basis because of the 'speed limit' of nerve signals from our muscles and eyes. I am also of the opinion that this percieved time dilation has a physical chemical aspect (my theory is that glutamate and glutamic acid are involved) ; the changes in chemical activity in the brain may influence or be influenced by this subjective time dilation. Some refer to this heightened state of perception where time seems to slow down as being 'in the zone'. To my knowledge this subjective time in relation to how human bodies store memory is poorly understood. Where are memories physically stored in the body? is it in the brain? many believe that memory is actually stored in other parts of the nervous system outside the brain (as evidenced by many bodyworkers who report the release of intense emotions/memories during deep-tissue massage). Now here is where it get's interesting: we know that there is some electrostatic aspect to nerve activity (thus by extension sensation and memory). we also know that both our bodies and those of organisms all around us are also profoundly electromagnetic in their structure and function, and that the earth itself is a gigantic electrostatic dynamo and has a coherent magnetosphere which influences the motion and dynamics of our atmosphere (esp. the ionosphere), which is largely driven by photons, electrons, and cosmic radiation from the sun, jupiter, galactic center etc. Does the magnetosphere store memory? Do the mineral and chemical strata of the earth store memory and information? Does the earth have a delta-t as described above? If so, is the earth's delta-t also variable based on seasons, planetary-solar alignments, etc.? Is it possible to put information/memory into the earth's electrostatic field? Is it possible to extract information from it? Many speculate that space and time possess some holographic property (i.e. all quantum states of particles are somehow entangled and each particle stores information about nearby and even distant particles with which it is constantly interacting). Is there a technology which has been known by humans for building structures (megalithic circles, pyramids, cathedrals, underground crystal caverns) which are profoundly connected to the earth's telluric currents and hypothetical memory storage system? If time is indeed cyclical, and/or holographic does access to past and future 'memories' of organisms and the planet vary according to the cycles of time? Do our seeming randomly arising memories of seemingly unrelated events in our own childhood arise because of some function of time cycles? Can we willfully dilate, contract, or translate our own perceptions of the flow of time? discuss.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


what we call 'society' is a system of imprinting the human psyche with deliberately false or misleading myths and archetypes that fragment the individual and make them dependent on some central authority for access to meaning, value structures, resources and information. What some call 'spirituality' or 'enlightenment' is nothing more than questioning and ultimately dismantling thousands of years of false cultural programming which has taken root in the individual psyche and in the genetic memories of our ancestors. There is little possibility of any genuine freedom or knowledge without first  eliminating the seed crystal of disempowering and traumatizing programming at the root level. Just as the science of awakening to truth has been refined over millennia (often veiled and hidden in allegory out of necessity), so has the system of human enslavement (i.e. government and all systems of central authority and artificial hierarchy). As long as you remain ignorant of these facts, both you and your progeny will be threatened with an enslavement which is mistaken for 'freedom' and abusers who are mistaken for 'leaders' and 'saviors'. there is no hero on a white horse coming for you with the unique and magical power of salvation. Even if there were, such a one can do nothing for anyone who has not developed a true and valid conception of what salvation is--an inherently internal process.
copyright Peter Asher Watts 30.4.2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

open the seals שכל סוד הפעולות הרוחניות כולם

this is a certificate of manifest. one vessel designated 1702, the intelligence of the mystery of all spiritual action. this vessel has entered via the gate of man. its presence in this port is incidental to the goal of propagating universal awareness of the location and disposition of the gate of heaven (galactic center Sag A*) vis a vis the profane mass of humanity. the helmsman of this vessel is often mistaken for the lord of the dead, the lord of wealth, or some other fearful mask due to the mistaken assumption that the human soul partakes of some permanent and final death after the mere span of an earth century or so, or that some punishment or reward attends individuals based on their illusory wandering in forgetfulness. In truth this vessel is merely defined by its orientation between the two gates along the path of the great dragon, and its direct route of conveyance beyond this galactic matrix or through it in every single point simultaneously and non-locally. to port lies the path of the scorpion's heart (Antares), labeled as a betrayer, a killer, a poisoner, and the seeker and concealer of every hidden thing. in truth these are all projections to inspire fear and trepidation in the heart of every being and to trap them in attachment to a particular delusion of separateness. to starboard lies the great physician and teacher who transmutes poison, and who is always vigilantly minding the gate of the west and the location of the most sacred precinct where the greatest of all wealth (which is called true seeing) remains inviolate. The helm of the arc is actually directly intent on the head of draco who jealously guards the golden apples of paradise. by this mere alignment the wardens of this sector are all intent against the success of his mission (the conveyance of the fearless beyond the grip of delusion and death) since it would deprive them of their most energetic and powerful vassals.  In truth, any type of conveyance by this vessel on a physical basis is merely ceremonial or symbolic because the truth it bears (indeed its very essence itself) is that matter is a contrivance and a willed condensation of energetic vibration into a provisionally stabilized harmonic configuration. For the spiritually/scientifically impaired i might simply state this another way: what you call reality is actually a construct you willingly participate in out of habit, conditioning, and arbitrary beliefs. . .further, these beliefs are subject to revision at any point. The true nature of all energy (spirit) is non-temporal and non-local. All but the densest manifestations of energy are non-solid and non-material as well. Rather than fixating on the dross and sludge-like accretion of 'matter', the awakened awareness of truth realizes that higher energetic forms (light, plasma, consciousness) are primary and essential while matter is more like a waste product or an incidental excrescence of energy which is by far the most temporary and illusory form of manifestation. Let me be crystal clear on this point! Any system or ideology which focuses on solid matter is purposely deceptive if adhered to dogmatically, and only serves the purpose of keeping living beings in captivity and ignorance (which two are completely synonymous and coextensive). Delusion is the ruling trope of the human world, and is more valuable as a means of enslavement than any form of wealth. The purposeful employment of mis-information and delusional ideology is the currency of all governments instituted among men, and it is this which allows wicked men to live lives of luxury entirely sustained by the labor of their victims in delusion. Many know this to be the case, and yet labor their entire lives to maintain the infrastructure of this delusion willingly. No slavery is as binding as that which is self-imposed, because it admits of no possibility for liberation and revolt without the destruction of the false self (which is the most primal fear of the mass of men). This single cause accounts for the persistence of human slavery and fratricidal/cannibalistic social structures throughout history. Will you act on this knowledge? The gate is open regardless of your answer. how much will you endure before availing yourself of the ultimate wealth of information available beyond this threshold?

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Imitators outnumber innovators 10,000 to one. What we call our world is the creation of jealous imitators who stole every idea they have and deformed and perverted it into their schemes of slavery, debasement and totalitarian control. Innovators are hated, ridiculed, defamed, and murdered. . .and sometimes after they are long dead they become lionized gods of false religions (once their ideas have been bastardized and co-opted beyond all recognition). Imitators do not mind that they all look alike. they are relieved to avoid any burden of thinking independently or creatively. All around us are counterfeits of divine infinities that act like a steam valve--the last chance to trap the seekers and convince them they have found what they sought. All the exits are blocked off and stuffed with the bloated corpses of those who tried to escape. On top of the temple mounds of this planet you will find a mockery and an effigy. . .where there was once the awakened buddha or the gnostic christ you will find ronald mcdonald and kanye west being worshiped as geniuses and sex-symbols. their followers are ready to kill you if you suggest that, in fact the truth of their message was stolen thousands of years ago and replaced with a decoy filled with poison mental viruses. Somewhere some fat, bloated caricature of baron harkonnen is sitting on a pile of wisdom from the ancients. He has pried apart all their inventions with a rusty screwdriver and tried to take out the gears and reassemble them into a mechanism of enslavement. . .he understands nothing of their content, and yet hordes them all to himself. the blind god has a nightmare every night that some iconoclast will sneak in and steal the essence of one of his trinkets and begin the inevitable liberation of mankind. His stronghold is guarded by an army of sellouts, politicians, televangelists, professors, doctors, scientists, and con-artists who will cripple you and your children with lies if you attempt to approach. do you doubt this? look around you at all the debased apes who imagine themselves lords of the earth and the pinnacle of evolution. they are all rotting from the inside and love nothing better than their own destruction, addiction, and infantile lust to be the center of an imaginary universe. no one is sick of it (as far as i can see). Everyone appears to be eagerly bolstering the foundations of this hellish system and devoting their youth and vigor to the endeavor. . .true, some do not, but these you will find only on the farthest margins. . .invisible to the eyes of the profane except as a target. . .never mind. . .scroll on down and continue serving the edifice of delusion. . .it is sweet and delicious to you. I am happy to harvest all that you abandon. from your refuse i will build the world to come.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


the thing about me is that i notice little things. if they seem meaningful i remember them. sometimes i file them away instinctively, even if i do not understand their importance. one day in a bookstore in arcata i picked up a dictionary of symbols. i happened to find one symbol that combined my initials. it had a particular meaning. that was what got me started. the whole thing can be simplified down to one letter-- teth. this serpent/wheel is the crux of all the other significations, which are essentially expansions on the theme of the wheel and its periphery. for today, i'll keep it brief, just to give you an idea of what my files look like:

Kabbalah:  mouth, serpent, head פטר
 ResTethPe(note the middle letter is cross/wheel tet)
gematria  17x17=289=19=10=1
- first occurrence of any word value of 289 in the torah gen 8:11 taraph. . .(the olive leave plucked by the dove after the flood)
-first occurrence of peh teth rosh in sequence=5th occurrence of a word value 289= exodus 13:2 strongs #h6363 firstling, first born, opener of the womb.
- english word aperture is related to this root.
-isosephia in the new testament shows the last occurrence of any word value 289 is Rev 10:2 'bibliaridion' tiny scroll.

in a sense a scroll is a wheel. if a scroll is sealed we see the significance of it in relation to the first opener. ancient tombs were covered with stones that rolled away (like a stone disc within a groove). peh (a mouth) may speak a blessing or a curse. teth is a serpent who has a forked tongue. in kabbalah rosh/resh means head or beginning, as speech or word is the announcement or beginning of an action.

the liturgical calendar divides the torah into readings for each sabbath. the parshas (portions) are often abbreviated by the first phrase in the portion. i was born on 10 Kislev in a particular year when the parsha vaitzei; the title phase of which totals 289. this is the part where jacob lifts a stone and finds a ladder to heaven. . .

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

the problem of worldwide evil

everyone has a choice between good and evil; that is the only redeeming potential of being human. Let's be honest; our world is pretty evil. Why? A tiny percentage willfully actively choose evil and get a thrill out of conscious evil. A somewhat larger percentage of people are able to 'sell out' and actually somehow profit in a collateral sort of way by submitting to the system in whatever form (religious cults, celebrities, military, etc). They may tell themselves that they are not evil (although somewhere deep inside knowing that the system they serve, pay for, and perpetuate is evil). The vast majority compromises with evil without getting any real benefit out of it at all. Actually, they sell their lives and youth and energy and creativity away for evil. There are a variety of rationales for this: 1. Fear--a person who fears what will happen if they stand up to evil (pretty rare in my opinion) 2. Stupidity or lack of discernment--a person who lacks the intellectual faculty to recognize even thinly veiled evil and it's effect on the world (somewhat rare). 3. Resignation to evil--someone who feels that it is pointless to resist evil and that they are powerless against it. ( more common case IMO) 4. Laziness/Apathy--someone who realizes evil, knows they could do something about it, but instead willfully supresses this information and focuses on the mundane distractions they have available (drugs, media hypnotism, self-deception, denial). Then there is the only real resistance to evil-- a tiny group of people who a. is intelligent enough to distinguish evil and recognize its pernicious effects b. has the moral will to resist evil c. engages in direct confrontation with evil and ignorance by doing active good and weakening the influence of evil over one's peers. d. repudiates evil within themselves in any form and experiences all the power and healing which accrues by making this decision. I have met some of these types, and even (very occasionally) been one of these people. This type of person appears magical and inspirational to others and appears to achieve something miraculous, despite being told repeatedly by the compromisers that what they intend is impossible, wrong, rude, foolhardy, etc. etc. etc. The future of humanity lies not with the compromisers and toadies and sellouts, but with those who absoutely repudiate evil and corruption on every level and deny it its power over them and over society as a whole. Now here is the really sad part: these people throughout history are often betrayed, and scapegoated by the very people they would seek to save, who eliminate, undermine, and marginalize any influence that makes them realize that they have wasted their lives compromising with evil. Kill the messenger. . .this is the motto that holds humanity at a standstill, living in a stone age level of development, living as livestock and slaves to a tiny elite who monopolize every natural resource, energy, wealth, knowledge, medicine, and even the right to life itself. How will you respond when your conscience speaks to you? will you violently silence and accuse it? Will you listen to it? will you change yourself? Will you attempt to free your fellow humans from ignorance and servitude? These are the questions i ask myself. What say you?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

the four plagues of society

1. Brainwashed Zombies
-a person who has no faculty for the following: grammar, logic, or rhetoric
-a person whose mental firewall is non-existent who will internalize any nonsense espoused by a group they
  belong to out of a desire to avoid any type of independent thought.

some behaviors that identify brainwashed zombies:
a. compulsively consuming various forms of corporate media almost constantly (music, movies, sports, 
    corporate-funded or NGO-funded 'news')
b. surrounding themselves with other degenerates such as themselves to help them psychologically normalize
    their deviant and sub-human behaviors.
c.  parroting slogans and dogmas that they do not understand and have no means to defend in any form of
    rational debate or analysis, becoming emotional when any challenge is levied against them on a rational   
    basis, and finally resorting to labeling and ad hominem name-calling, and straw man caricatures of the
    opposition  as their only means of discourse. always using pre-scripted replies, talking points, and
    misinterpreted or misunderstood 'scriptures' as opposed to any form of creative thought.
d. constantly carrying around a surveillance-tether mobile device that gives them access to their 'external
    brain' and preferring interfacing with said device to any form of interpersonal contact with living organisms      or people outside their cult group who do not share their form of indoctrination
NOTE: becoming a brainwashed zombie is the fastest way to get routed into one of the other plague types
and as such is, in fact, the template of society as a whole. 
2. Drug Addicts
   -pretty much everybody you know
   -people who compulsively eat plastic-wrapped chemical food, drink chemicals in their water, take
     chemical pharmaceuticals and/or "vitamins" which contain noxious substances mixed with a small amount      of industrially de-natured 'nutrients', and also believe that this is totally natural, and, in fact, unavoidable.
    -people who habitually and compulsively use recreational drugs to escape the intolerable nature of their
      day to day slavery, rather than acknowledging said condtions and attempting to find alternatives.
    -people who think that the recreational use of drugs is somehow part of a 'counterculture' despite
      overt and public admissions by technocratic elites that drugs are their primary means of social control
      used to stifle any form of revolution
3. Sexual Perverts
     -pretty much everybody you know
     -people who think a juvenile level of incompetent sexuality is the natural state of humans and is somehow
      evidence of their liberation.
     -people who pursue a never-ending string of shallow relationships in which they and/or their 'partner' are
      merely a temporary object to facilitate self-centered gratification (again of a limited and juvenile nature).
      -people who find constant bombardment with sexual manipulation in every form of media and the
       sexualization of ever younger children on national television as normal, neutral, benign or natural.
     -people who think all their sexual desires will be fulfilled if they can attain an intense enough
       participation in consumerism to attain the fetishes, social connections, and role playing to seduce their
       inert doll-like objects of desire
4. Sociopaths/Psychopaths
    -people who view themselves as innately superior to others based on superficial identification with
      class, wealth, profession, fraternal orders, pseudo-religions, etc. etc. etc.
    -people who act on the basis that anyone they can fool or take advantage of deserves to be fooled and
     -people who not only have no compassion for others but actually revel and take joy in the raw exercise
      of power for its own sake, and are actually self-righteous about their proselytizing in the belief that it
      is their duty to lord it over anyone who does not share their enthusiasm for the slavery scripts of
      politics/religion and/or manufactured pseudo-activism.
   -See also: politicians, technocrats, academia, priesthood, nobility, bourgeoisie, etc. etc. etc.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

two dragons are fighting beneath the foundations of the temple. only merlin has the audacity to say that it is so and reveal the reason no defense is being mounted against eastern despots from across the sea. Fear not, for their doom has been sealed since the foundations of the world.