
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

the problem of worldwide evil

everyone has a choice between good and evil; that is the only redeeming potential of being human. Let's be honest; our world is pretty evil. Why? A tiny percentage willfully actively choose evil and get a thrill out of conscious evil. A somewhat larger percentage of people are able to 'sell out' and actually somehow profit in a collateral sort of way by submitting to the system in whatever form (religious cults, celebrities, military, etc). They may tell themselves that they are not evil (although somewhere deep inside knowing that the system they serve, pay for, and perpetuate is evil). The vast majority compromises with evil without getting any real benefit out of it at all. Actually, they sell their lives and youth and energy and creativity away for evil. There are a variety of rationales for this: 1. Fear--a person who fears what will happen if they stand up to evil (pretty rare in my opinion) 2. Stupidity or lack of discernment--a person who lacks the intellectual faculty to recognize even thinly veiled evil and it's effect on the world (somewhat rare). 3. Resignation to evil--someone who feels that it is pointless to resist evil and that they are powerless against it. ( more common case IMO) 4. Laziness/Apathy--someone who realizes evil, knows they could do something about it, but instead willfully supresses this information and focuses on the mundane distractions they have available (drugs, media hypnotism, self-deception, denial). Then there is the only real resistance to evil-- a tiny group of people who a. is intelligent enough to distinguish evil and recognize its pernicious effects b. has the moral will to resist evil c. engages in direct confrontation with evil and ignorance by doing active good and weakening the influence of evil over one's peers. d. repudiates evil within themselves in any form and experiences all the power and healing which accrues by making this decision. I have met some of these types, and even (very occasionally) been one of these people. This type of person appears magical and inspirational to others and appears to achieve something miraculous, despite being told repeatedly by the compromisers that what they intend is impossible, wrong, rude, foolhardy, etc. etc. etc. The future of humanity lies not with the compromisers and toadies and sellouts, but with those who absoutely repudiate evil and corruption on every level and deny it its power over them and over society as a whole. Now here is the really sad part: these people throughout history are often betrayed, and scapegoated by the very people they would seek to save, who eliminate, undermine, and marginalize any influence that makes them realize that they have wasted their lives compromising with evil. Kill the messenger. . .this is the motto that holds humanity at a standstill, living in a stone age level of development, living as livestock and slaves to a tiny elite who monopolize every natural resource, energy, wealth, knowledge, medicine, and even the right to life itself. How will you respond when your conscience speaks to you? will you violently silence and accuse it? Will you listen to it? will you change yourself? Will you attempt to free your fellow humans from ignorance and servitude? These are the questions i ask myself. What say you?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

the four plagues of society

1. Brainwashed Zombies
-a person who has no faculty for the following: grammar, logic, or rhetoric
-a person whose mental firewall is non-existent who will internalize any nonsense espoused by a group they
  belong to out of a desire to avoid any type of independent thought.

some behaviors that identify brainwashed zombies:
a. compulsively consuming various forms of corporate media almost constantly (music, movies, sports, 
    corporate-funded or NGO-funded 'news')
b. surrounding themselves with other degenerates such as themselves to help them psychologically normalize
    their deviant and sub-human behaviors.
c.  parroting slogans and dogmas that they do not understand and have no means to defend in any form of
    rational debate or analysis, becoming emotional when any challenge is levied against them on a rational   
    basis, and finally resorting to labeling and ad hominem name-calling, and straw man caricatures of the
    opposition  as their only means of discourse. always using pre-scripted replies, talking points, and
    misinterpreted or misunderstood 'scriptures' as opposed to any form of creative thought.
d. constantly carrying around a surveillance-tether mobile device that gives them access to their 'external
    brain' and preferring interfacing with said device to any form of interpersonal contact with living organisms      or people outside their cult group who do not share their form of indoctrination
NOTE: becoming a brainwashed zombie is the fastest way to get routed into one of the other plague types
and as such is, in fact, the template of society as a whole. 
2. Drug Addicts
   -pretty much everybody you know
   -people who compulsively eat plastic-wrapped chemical food, drink chemicals in their water, take
     chemical pharmaceuticals and/or "vitamins" which contain noxious substances mixed with a small amount      of industrially de-natured 'nutrients', and also believe that this is totally natural, and, in fact, unavoidable.
    -people who habitually and compulsively use recreational drugs to escape the intolerable nature of their
      day to day slavery, rather than acknowledging said condtions and attempting to find alternatives.
    -people who think that the recreational use of drugs is somehow part of a 'counterculture' despite
      overt and public admissions by technocratic elites that drugs are their primary means of social control
      used to stifle any form of revolution
3. Sexual Perverts
     -pretty much everybody you know
     -people who think a juvenile level of incompetent sexuality is the natural state of humans and is somehow
      evidence of their liberation.
     -people who pursue a never-ending string of shallow relationships in which they and/or their 'partner' are
      merely a temporary object to facilitate self-centered gratification (again of a limited and juvenile nature).
      -people who find constant bombardment with sexual manipulation in every form of media and the
       sexualization of ever younger children on national television as normal, neutral, benign or natural.
     -people who think all their sexual desires will be fulfilled if they can attain an intense enough
       participation in consumerism to attain the fetishes, social connections, and role playing to seduce their
       inert doll-like objects of desire
4. Sociopaths/Psychopaths
    -people who view themselves as innately superior to others based on superficial identification with
      class, wealth, profession, fraternal orders, pseudo-religions, etc. etc. etc.
    -people who act on the basis that anyone they can fool or take advantage of deserves to be fooled and
     -people who not only have no compassion for others but actually revel and take joy in the raw exercise
      of power for its own sake, and are actually self-righteous about their proselytizing in the belief that it
      is their duty to lord it over anyone who does not share their enthusiasm for the slavery scripts of
      politics/religion and/or manufactured pseudo-activism.
   -See also: politicians, technocrats, academia, priesthood, nobility, bourgeoisie, etc. etc. etc.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

two dragons are fighting beneath the foundations of the temple. only merlin has the audacity to say that it is so and reveal the reason no defense is being mounted against eastern despots from across the sea. Fear not, for their doom has been sealed since the foundations of the world.