
Thursday, June 05, 2014

Get Real

On todays episode of "Get Real"-- #UCSB. So the faculty club pool is full of seagulls and the patio is covered in a 1/4 inch thick patina of bird shit. The clock tower hasn't worked right in over a year; it rings out on time, but half the bells don't work and it no longer counts the hour. Somehow the #UCRegents rake in billions with their stranglehold of most of the patents issued in the state, but they can't pay the janitors a living wage. Weeks after the shooting there is a giant pile of dead flowers and plastic trash outside the deli-mart and the shooter's apartment. no one has made any attempt to clean up any of their own trash. Just like every year, in two weeks the whole town of #islavista will turn into a giant trash pile for the spoiled children of southern california's bourgeoisie, when they move out. Couch and mattress fires will burn on every block for their drugged-up and drunken amusement, spewing toxic fumes into the air and melting asphalt and the paint on your nearby BMW. The street is covered with the chalk art sentiments written by soon-to-be graduates who have not yet formulated a complete sentence, nor mastered the use of a comma by age 21. Hey Brittney or Bimbette or whatever your name is, yeah you drawing the pink chalk heart and #notonemore, yeah you who was crying in front of the TV cameras, I saw you walking out of the Keg & Bottle with a handle of tequila and a bag of pop rocks while the shooting was going on. I saw you walking the same walk of shame you do every saturday morning the day after. It's way past time to pull your heads out of your asses people. This whole place is an open sore festering on this sacred earth. I think you need to google search the phrase "self-respect" and try to find some. #ivstrong #janetnapolitano #loiscapps #militaryindustrialcomplex is recruting you to work at #lockheedmartin #raytheonlabs #UCanStudyBuzzed