
Wednesday, February 09, 2011


ceaseless streaming laser beams
and microwaves are weaving dreams
false realities and cubes
to capture helpless minds with tubes
and cables stretching everywhere
as spider webs creating lairs

chances are we'll all be caught
except the hyperpolyglot
who speaks in tongues not corporate-wrought
but ancient words before the rule
of science-pontiffs' ridicule
of anything that crosses lines
of any travel for the mind
beyond the tightly bounded world
and bombs the corporate whores have hurled

intimidate the innocent
and silence all informed dissent
coercing how their money's spent
with "news" that recasts all events
to fit their global fascist script
all growth of mind is quickly clipped

turn to father, he's been bought
turn to mother, now robot
sold away for pittance wage
poisoned and swept off the stage

to make room for the future crop
of lust and rage and thoughtcrime cops
to carefully control the herd
and tell them that spirit's absurd
"you are your body" they all say
and claim their "science" lights the day
in a world devoid of gods
except the dollar bill and odds

so gamble with them if you will
your life and labor pay their bills
and keep their kingdoms all afloat
humanity an offered goat
whose blood will never slake the thirst
of RexMundi though his guts burst

and if perchance you once break free
from mental-fiscal slavery
i'll meet you at the edge of day
where lust for gold can have no sway
. . .
copyright Peter Asher Watts 2006

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