
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

further study is needed

this is just a quick outline made to compile some threads of concepts i want to investigate:

I. Gilgal "Gilgal means circle of standing stones, and refers to the stone circle that was there."
    A. Gematria 66 (33+33) strongs 1537

גל gal {gal} from 01556; TWOT - 353a; n m AV - heap 18, wave 14, spring 1, billow 1, of 1; 35 1) heap, spring, wave, billow 1a) heap (of stones) 1a1) over dead body 1a2) alone 1a3) used in ratifying a covenant 1b) waves (fig. of chastisement of Jehovah) 1c) spring

Gematria: 33
        Gilgal {ghil-gawl'} the same as 01536;; n pr loc AV - Gilgal 41; 41 Gilgal = "a wheel, rolling" 1) the first site of an Israelite camp west of the Jordan, east of Jericho, here Samuel was judge, and Saul was made king; later used for illicit worship 2) dwelling place of prophets in northern Israel about four miles (7 km) from Shiloh and Bethel 3) a region conquered by Joshua, site unsure
Jos4:19, 4:20, 5:9, 5:10, 9:6, 10:6, 10:7, 10:9, 10:15, 10:43, 12:23, 14:6, 15:7
Jdg2:1, 3:19
1Sa7:16, 10:8, 11:14, 11:15, 13:4, 13:7, 13:8, 13:12, 13:15, 15:12, 15:21, 15:33
2Sa19:15, 19:40
2Ki2:1, 4:38
Hos4:15, 9:15, 12:11
Amo4:4, 5:5

2Ki 2:1 And it came to pass, when the LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.

2Ki 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

B. Stone circle commemoration of the crossing of Jordan into the promised land  (Kaneh. . .low lands), was also the place where Elijah ascended to heaven. Kings were coronated here, court was held here, and sacrifices holy and unholy, and mass circumcision are carried out here.

C. magic circle, Ixion, crucifix etc. . . .more research needed

II. Whirlwind strong's H05591 סער ca`ar {sah'-ar} or (fem.) סערה ce`arah {seh-aw-raw'} from 05590; TWOT - 1528; n m/f AV - whirlwind 12, tempest 6, stormy 4, storm 1, whirlwind + 07307 1; 24 1) tempest, storm, whirlwind 1a) tempest

Eze 1:4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

Eze 13:11 Say unto them which daub it with untempered morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it.
 Zec 9:14 And the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord GOD shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.

III. the cross and the wheel (zodiac?)
     the coptic cross has 12 points (elders, apostles, tribes, signs of the zodiac)

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