
Friday, April 18, 2014

open the seals שכל סוד הפעולות הרוחניות כולם

this is a certificate of manifest. one vessel designated 1702, the intelligence of the mystery of all spiritual action. this vessel has entered via the gate of man. its presence in this port is incidental to the goal of propagating universal awareness of the location and disposition of the gate of heaven (galactic center Sag A*) vis a vis the profane mass of humanity. the helmsman of this vessel is often mistaken for the lord of the dead, the lord of wealth, or some other fearful mask due to the mistaken assumption that the human soul partakes of some permanent and final death after the mere span of an earth century or so, or that some punishment or reward attends individuals based on their illusory wandering in forgetfulness. In truth this vessel is merely defined by its orientation between the two gates along the path of the great dragon, and its direct route of conveyance beyond this galactic matrix or through it in every single point simultaneously and non-locally. to port lies the path of the scorpion's heart (Antares), labeled as a betrayer, a killer, a poisoner, and the seeker and concealer of every hidden thing. in truth these are all projections to inspire fear and trepidation in the heart of every being and to trap them in attachment to a particular delusion of separateness. to starboard lies the great physician and teacher who transmutes poison, and who is always vigilantly minding the gate of the west and the location of the most sacred precinct where the greatest of all wealth (which is called true seeing) remains inviolate. The helm of the arc is actually directly intent on the head of draco who jealously guards the golden apples of paradise. by this mere alignment the wardens of this sector are all intent against the success of his mission (the conveyance of the fearless beyond the grip of delusion and death) since it would deprive them of their most energetic and powerful vassals.  In truth, any type of conveyance by this vessel on a physical basis is merely ceremonial or symbolic because the truth it bears (indeed its very essence itself) is that matter is a contrivance and a willed condensation of energetic vibration into a provisionally stabilized harmonic configuration. For the spiritually/scientifically impaired i might simply state this another way: what you call reality is actually a construct you willingly participate in out of habit, conditioning, and arbitrary beliefs. . .further, these beliefs are subject to revision at any point. The true nature of all energy (spirit) is non-temporal and non-local. All but the densest manifestations of energy are non-solid and non-material as well. Rather than fixating on the dross and sludge-like accretion of 'matter', the awakened awareness of truth realizes that higher energetic forms (light, plasma, consciousness) are primary and essential while matter is more like a waste product or an incidental excrescence of energy which is by far the most temporary and illusory form of manifestation. Let me be crystal clear on this point! Any system or ideology which focuses on solid matter is purposely deceptive if adhered to dogmatically, and only serves the purpose of keeping living beings in captivity and ignorance (which two are completely synonymous and coextensive). Delusion is the ruling trope of the human world, and is more valuable as a means of enslavement than any form of wealth. The purposeful employment of mis-information and delusional ideology is the currency of all governments instituted among men, and it is this which allows wicked men to live lives of luxury entirely sustained by the labor of their victims in delusion. Many know this to be the case, and yet labor their entire lives to maintain the infrastructure of this delusion willingly. No slavery is as binding as that which is self-imposed, because it admits of no possibility for liberation and revolt without the destruction of the false self (which is the most primal fear of the mass of men). This single cause accounts for the persistence of human slavery and fratricidal/cannibalistic social structures throughout history. Will you act on this knowledge? The gate is open regardless of your answer. how much will you endure before availing yourself of the ultimate wealth of information available beyond this threshold?

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