
Friday, February 04, 2011


from the discarded refuse
of this, most recent, techno-babylon

from the decadence
of those
swollen with their own affluence

from satiety of every kind
their wits and conscience dulled by excess

mortgaged to the hilt
borrowing against the labor
of starving farmers half way 'round the globe

building skyskrapers
on a crumbling mound of trash
and coffins. . .


the future's child
is scrambling
out of necessity

building cities of mud brick
and straw

catching moisture from the sky
and fire from the earth

praying once again
to the old gods
of beasts
wind, water, sky and sea

praying to the life force
in every stone and subtle particle

scavenging the necropolis
of the dying gods
of techno-babylon

among the corpses
the faithful adherents
of cashocracy

finding shiny bits of silicon, plastic, chrome
with which to decorate their mud city

dancing once again around the central fire
where they can see their neighbors face to face
without the 'lectric go-betweens
their forbears  relied on

and after wars and fire
and black cloying smoke

life is victorious

. . .
copyright Peter Asher Watts 2009

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